Sunday, December 31, 2006

Future of Libraries

I have been reading the articles on libraries of the future and was interested in the dismissal of the concept of the "just in case" collection. This is the big shift that we are making at Yarra Plenty at present in response to the fact that non fiction gets less use than fiction but has as much spent on it and more space assigned to it.


I have claimed my blog in Technorati and will in future consider give my posts tags if they have any worthwhile content

Technorati Profile

I have set up an account and put the two buttons on my browser, bookmarking a couple of websites on climate change. I can see how it could be useful but I haven't yet worked out how you have a look at what other people have tagged under that heading

Roll Your Own Search engines

I have put together one of these on Climate Change with an Australian focus using Rollyo
The web address is
and mine should be found under climate change or climate change Australia

Friday, December 29, 2006

Library thing

I have joined Library Thing and catalogued a few books.

The website is

My account name is cmgbellair.

I joined the group"What are you reading"

I can see it can give you ideas as to what to read but most members seem to be American though there is a Australian group.

Task 5 Uploading photos from Flickr

We watched a pair of these on a deserted beach on the shipwreck coast when we walked the Great Ocean Walk from Apollo Bay to Princetown

I started a Flickr account and uploaded this photo from Flickr

shipwreck coast

This is a very wild and unspoilt coast. There is a beach with

shipwreck coast
Originally uploaded by Caroline Bellair.

anchors from wrecked ships half buried in the sand. we also

saw a pair of hooded plovers, of which there are only 600 in


Friday, December 8, 2006

RSS feeds

I can see that this could be useful and I have set up my bloglines account
I have chosen RSS feeds that are mainly news like BBC world news. You can see my selection at

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I found this link via maps. I had a look at crags to climb in Scotland on the Orkney Islands and in the Hebridean Islands. My brother is a doctor in the Hebrides so I visit there and I love walking. You can zoom in and out of the maps and choose the crags that interest you, and see photos of them

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I am going to use this blog to post information and articles about the environment because that is what I care most about